We are a married couple who love people and animals. Steve is retired now after working 30 years as a stockbroker and public policy analyst. I, SallyAnn, am also retired after working for 30 years as a nurse in all areas of the field. We now work together from our home creating Teacup Poodle Angel Babies & caring for their awesome parents.

Why did we start breeding?


Actually, the thought of breeding never occurred to me until about 16 years ago. We had lost our beloved Poodle, Sophie, to cancer. She was our third teacup poodle and I was devastated and empty. Soon after, we got Benji who filled our hearts and home with love and joy again. When he was about a year and a half old, some people began asking if they could breed their dog to him because he was so beautiful and perfect to breed standards. I thought it was a great idea so we did. They sent us pictures of the newborn puppies and I fell in love with them. At one point, I looked at my husband and said, “I want my own babies from Benji”! So, we got Heidi and soon after we got Cosette, and waited till they grew up. And finally, we had our first precious litter of the most beautiful puppies in 2009.


I remember the awe I felt as I stood there looking at them and then the heavy weight of responsibility worrying about their life long care. I remember thinking that the only thing that separated them from any type of misery or pain in life was the decisions I made for them. I could not and cannot do anything less than be sure that each of them has a wonderful home with loving parents.


I know that I do things differently than other “breeders” but in no way do I compare myself with others. I do what I think should be done out of love and respect for these wonderful creations that have been entrusted to me. To do anything less would be wrong.


I believe in transparency. Why should what happens at the breeders be a secret? The early experiences that puppies have affect them either in a positive or negative way throughout their lives. This is why many people get a sweet puppy but have many types of problems right from the start. What happens at the breeders matters!


I also believe in early bonding. I bring the puppy’s adoptive parents into their lives at the earliest possible time. Love is very powerful and my puppies feel it first from me and then from their parents. Along with that, I keep everything open, joyful and positive for puppies and parents throughout.


For my husband and I, all of our past employment training and experiences came together in a unique way to manage all aspects of Poodle breeding. We both have a love of the Poodle breed and a desire to perfect it with our own Angel Babies line.


My most rewarding passion is working with new parents, helping them prepare to take their Angel Baby home. I know that a happy puppy results from a confident parent who has the needed knowledge & understanding of their puppy and all the support they need when they need it! And, that’s my goal, to provide it!

We look forward to bringing joy into your life with an Angel Baby.


Steve & Sally Ann